Saturday, October 4, 2008

Time To Crank It UP!

If you read my blog with any regulariity- you are probably well aware of the fact that I never post pictures, download YouTubes, or add links. This is not for the lack of want. This is computer illiteracy.

And I like to write but I DON'T like to figure out technical computer-ey stuff. But literaldan made a point when he commented a picture of my "cool postal-worker" would have been enhancing...

So I decided to tackle the image demon once and for all.

At this point I am stealing images from Google. Because it's so easy. Eventually the other stuff will come. It WILL! In time.

And I admit, after re-teaching myself how to do this this morning I went a little nuts and started going back in time and posting images on as many posts as I could. But then I realized it's too late. I will just focus on the future.

But I sort of feel excited about it. Like I am wearing new shoes or something. Maybe I am starting to get it. The technical "drive" anyway.
Besides, these computer nerds seem like a pretty easy crowd.

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