Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

I thought today was going to be BLOG worthy city because it was my first day back to school. Not so much.
It was so predictable and lame. Even losing my keys and not having a single thing planned for tomorrow has me off my game. And I could get in some big trouble for losing those keys that can gain you access to anything in the public high school. But the dean said they installed like... eighteen new cameras that actually work. So, go right ahead, Chachi. Use my keys. See if I care. Your ass will get thrown in the slam because you still think all the cameras are fakes. Like I did a week ago when in the building. So, hopefully there is not currently some YouTube out there of me doing something grotesque.
Even the free lunch for teachers was pretty good.
And even now, I am bored. I had "saved" tonight for staying late at school, running errands, printing and photocopying loads of crap. But, I came home and made dinner. Like usual.
And even now, I ask myself, what the heck was I doing last year that made me so busy all the time.
I was most likely depressed and therefore felt like walking to the flippin restroom was taxing, so everything felt cumbersome.
Tomorrow the students come. I am non-plussed. Come, I say. Come in droves. .. Like you will. Ready to show off your new sneakers from Big Lots. Your matching jams, also from Big Lots. And your choke chain marijuana necklaces from Hot Topic. Come ready to tell me that you have no school supplies because your parents can't afford it and then text your friend on your new Blackberry about coming over later to play on your new 360. While I loan you my last pencil charged yesterday to my credit card. Come to me so I can teach you.
Because I have been doing this for 12 years now and I know what to expect.
Bring it. Because I am bored already and I can't wait.


Jacki said...

It is going tobe a GREAT day. Repeat over and over and over. Maybe? it will happen.

Jen W said...

"Come ready to tell me that you have no school supplies because your parents can't afford it and then text your friend on your new Blackberry about coming over later to play on your new 360."
